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日期:2016-09-17  来源:《中国园林》2016年11期  作者:

    Key words:landscape architecture; cultural landscape; World Heritage; concept; component element; Ancient Tea Forests of Jingmai Mountain


    Abstract:This paper discusses the development of the concept of cultural landscape in the context of human geography as well as World Heritages, points that the elements of cultural landscape can be divided into three parts, representative element, inherent element and key technologies. Representative element includes peculiar integral and componential landscape, mainly material entities, and it is the external representation of the cultural landscape, with strong regionalism and characteristics, which is hard to reappear. Inherent element, the carrier of the spirit, ideas and connotation of intangible, is related to universal ecological ethics, techniques and cultures, reflects the universal human values, can be inherited. Key technologies is the link between representative and inherent elements, and is the way which the former acting on the latter. Understanding and utilizing the concept of cultural landscape, we should fully understand the concept of cultural landscape and explore its intrinsic value. Moreover, we need to recognize, explain and spread the unique value of China's cultural landscapes from an international perspective, so as to establish an effective protection system with Chinese characteristics, based on both representative and inherent elements of cultural landscape.


住房和城乡建设部   中国科学技术协会   IFLA   中国建筑学会   中国城市规划学会   中国城市科学研究会   中国园林
主办:中国风景园林学会  中国风景园林学会版权所有 京ICP备06071860号-1