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日期:2016-09-17  来源:《中国园林》2016年11期  作者:

    Key words:landscape architecture; green space system; urban modernization; independent green building; planning green building; Draft of Ten-Year Planning on the Construction of the Second Capital


    Abstract:During 1891 to 1949, under the influence of opening port, setting up municipal and the decade as the second capital, Chongqing carried out the construction of urban-modernization. However, industrial and commercial development along with urban population growth resulted in rapid deterioration of the urban environment. To evacuate dense crowd and improve the urban environment, Chongqing people autonomously began to apply advanced Western urban planning ideology to city construction, meanwhile with the development of the urban modernization green space building gradually expanded. On the basis of analyzing the background of Chongqing's city construction and planning, reviewing the cases of early-modern green building in Chongqing and interpreting section of green space system planning in the "Draft of Ten-Year Planning on the Construction of the Second Capital", the paper sorted up the developing history of the urban green space in Chongqing city - from "independent green building" to "planning green building", and concluded the layout and function features.


住房和城乡建设部   中国科学技术协会   IFLA   中国建筑学会   中国城市规划学会   中国城市科学研究会   中国园林
主办:中国风景园林学会  中国风景园林学会版权所有 京ICP备06071860号-1